Feelings are defined as the state of a person’s emotions. As the name implies, positive feeling adjectives describe a person’s good emotions. They answer the question, what positive kind of.
List of Positive Adjectives
The following list contains common adjectives that are often used to describe the positive emotions of a person.
Feelings (Positive) Adjectives |
admirable | energetic | lucky |
affable | enjoyable | magnificent |
affectionate | enthusiastic | marvelous |
agreeable | euphoric | meritorious |
amazing | excellent | merry |
amiable | exceptional | mild-mannered |
amused | excited | nice |
amusing | extraordinary | noble |
animated | exultant | outstanding |
appreciative | fabulous | overjoyed |
astonishing | faithful | passionate |
authentic | fantastic | peaceful |
believable | fervent | placid |
benevolent | fortunate | pleasant |
blissful | friendly | pleasing |
bouncy | fun | pleasurable |
brilliant | genuine | positive |
bubbly | glad | praiseworthy |
buoyant | glorious | prominent |
calm | good | proud |
charming | good-humored | relaxed |
cheerful | good-natured | reliable |
cheery | gracious | respectable |
clever | grateful | sharp |
comfortable | great | sincere |
comical | happy | spirited |
commendable | heartfelt | splendid |
confident | honest | superb |
congenial | honorable | superior |
content | hopeful | terrific |
cordial | humorous | thankful |
courteous | incredible | tremendous |
dedicated | inspirational | triumphant |
delighted | jolly | trustworthy |
delightful | jovial | trusty |
dependable | joyful | truthful |
devoted | joyous | uplifting |
docile | jubilant | victorious |
dynamic | keen | vigorous |
eager | kind | virtuous |
earnest | laudable | vivacious |
easygoing | laughing | whimsical |
ebullient | likable | witty |
ecstatic | lively | wonderful |
elated | lovely | worthy |
emphatic | loving | zealous |
enchanting | loyal | zestful |
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Thanks for providing this list of adjectives.
thanks for the great info!
Very good 🙂
Lots of useful, positive adjectives. Thanks!