Size is defined as the amount of space occupied by someone or something; it describes how large or small someone or something is. List of Size Adjectives The following list contains common adjectives that are often used to describe the size of someone or something. Size Adjectives
An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun; it describes (what kind), identifies (which one) or quantifies (how many). It typically precedes the noun or the pronoun which it modifies.
Most Common Adjectives
The adjectives below are commonly found in printed material.
a * | cold | hard | mean | right |
above | different | high | more | round |
all | each | hot | most | same |
an * | enough | important | new | small |
another | even | kind | next | some |
any | every | large | old | still |
best | few | left | one | such |
better | full | light | other | the * |
big | funny | little | own | warm |
both | good | long | pretty | young |
clean | great | many | black | blue |
brown | green | red | white | yellow |
one | two | three | four | five |
six | seven | eight | nine | ten |
first | second |
* These words are articles. These adjectives are used with a noun to limit or make it clearer.