Abbreviations are so widely used in printed material that it is beneficial to be able to write and read the most common ones. The use of an abbreviation aids in saving time, space and energy. Please note abbreviations may vary, specifically with use of periods and capitalization, e.g., mpg, MPG,
The early elementary years focus on teaching a child to be a proficient writer. As a child progresses, the emphasis shifts from writing instruction to ascertaining what a child can write. The articles below help a child become a proficient writer.
Handwriting Basics
- How to Hold a Pencil - the key to writing neatly
- Handwriting for Kids - how to properly form each letter
- FREE Handwriting Worksheets - perfect practice makes perfect
- Handwriting Assessments - track a child's progress
Writing Conventions
The Writing Process
- Stages of the Writing Process
- Writing Rubric
Writing By Grade