An open syllable occurs when a vowel is at the end of the syllable, resulting in the long vowel sound, e.g. pa/per, e/ven, o/pen, go & we. Open syllable words are open because they are not closed by a consonant. Whereas a closed syllable occurs when a syllable ends with a consonant, resulting in
Learning to spell is a progressive process (just like reading and writing), which typically begins using inventive spelling and gradually progresses to conventionally correct spelling by the end of second grade.
How to Spell a Word
- Alphabet
- Spelling Rules
- Spelling Words
- Spelling Activities
- Teaching Methods for Spelling
- Pronunciation - Say It Right
Word Study
Knowing prefixes, suffixes and root words can help a child unlock the meaning of a word.
Uses inventive spelling; knowledge of letter-sound relationships to attempt to spell words |
Spells previously taught words, sight words and frequently used irregular words correctly. Uses inventive spelling to spell untaught words. |
Spells sight words, irregular words and words that follow phonetic generalizations correctly. |
Spells commonly used words correctly. Spelling bees typically begin in this grade. |
Uses references to spell words correctly, e.g., dictionary. Look out for those commonly misspelled words. |
Uses references to spell words correctly, e.g., dictionary. |