Magic E Rule: The magic E rule states when the letter “e” sits at the end of the word, it is usually silent and the “magical” E tells the first vowel or the preceding vowel to say its name or long sound. The magic e vowels are as follows: a_e, i_e, o_e and u_e. The magic e is commonly referred to as the final or silent e.
Long A (a_e) |
Long I (i_e) | Long O (o_e) | Long U (u_e) |
Magic E Words: Long A
The table below was compiled using the following word families: -ace, -ade, -age, -ake, -ale, -ame, -ane, -ape, -ase, -aste, -ate, -ave and -aze. It contains 138 long A words with a magic e.
Long A Words | Word Family |
ace | -ace |
face | -ace |
lace | -ace |
mace | -ace |
pace | -ace |
race | -ace |
brace | -ace |
grace | -ace |
place | -ace |
space | -ace |
trace | -ace |
bade | -ade |
fade | -ade |
jade | -ade |
made | -ade |
wade | -ade |
blade | -ade |
glade | -ade |
grade | -ade |
shade | -ade |
spade | -ade |
trade | -ade |
age | -age |
cage | -age |
gage | -age |
page | -age |
rage | -age |
sage | -age |
wage | -age |
stage | -age |
bake | -ake |
cake | -ake |
fake | -ake |
Jake | -ake |
lake | -ake |
make | -ake |
quake | -ake |
rake | -ake |
take | -ake |
wake | -ake |
brake | -ake |
drake | -ake |
flake | -ake |
shake | -ake |
snake | -ake |
stake | -ake |
ale | -ale |
bale | -ale |
dale | -ale |
gale | -ale |
hale | -ale |
male | -ale |
pale | -ale |
sale | -ale |
tale | -ale |
scale | -ale |
shale | -ale |
stale | -ale |
whale | -ale |
came | -ame |
dame | -ame |
fame | -ame |
game | -ame |
lame | -ame |
name | -ame |
same | -ame |
tame | -ame |
blame | -ame |
flame | -ame |
frame | -ame |
shame | -ame |
bane | -ane |
cane | -ane |
Jane | -ane |
lane | -ane |
mane | -ane |
pane | -ane |
sane | -ane |
vane | -ane |
wane | -ane |
crane | -ane |
plane | -ane |
ape | -ape |
cape | -ape |
gape | -ape |
nape | -ape |
tape | -ape |
drape | -ape |
grape | -ape |
scrape | -ape |
shape | -ape |
base | -ase |
case | -ase |
vase | -ase |
chase | -ase |
baste | -aste |
haste | -aste |
paste | -aste |
taste | -aste |
waste | -aste |
chaste | -aste |
ate | -ate |
date | -ate |
fate | -ate |
gate | -ate |
hate | -ate |
Kate | -ate |
late | -ate |
mate | -ate |
rate | -ate |
crate | -ate |
grate | -ate |
plate | -ate |
skate | -ate |
state | -ate |
cave | -ave |
Dave | -ave |
gave | -ave |
pave | -ave |
rave | -ave |
save | -ave |
wave | -ave |
brave | -ave |
crave | -ave |
grave | -ave |
shave | -ave |
slave | -ave |
stave | -ave |
daze | -aze |
faze | -aze |
gaze | -aze |
haze | -aze |
maze | -aze |
raze | -aze |
blaze | -aze |
craze | -aze |
glaze | -aze |
graze | -aze |
Exceptions to Magic E Words – Long A
Unfortunately, there are exceptions to the magic E long a sound. We like to refer to these words as odd balls. The following words make the /air/ sound instead of long a sound:
bare | care | dare |
fare | hare | mare |
pare | rare | ware |
blare | flare | glare |
scare | share | snare |
spare | square | stare |
Magic E Words: Long I
The table below was compiled using the following word families: -ibe, -ice, -ide, -ife, -ike, -ile, -ime, -ine, -ipe, -ire, -ise, -ite and -ive. It contains 110 long I words with a magic e.
Long I Words | Word Family |
jibe | -ibe |
bribe | -ibe |
scribe | -ibe |
tribe | -ibe |
dice | -ice |
lice | -ice |
mice | -ice |
nice | -ice |
rice | -ice |
vice | -ice |
price | -ice |
slice | -ice |
splice | -ice |
thrice | -ice |
twice | -ice |
bide | -ide |
hide | -ide |
ride | -ide |
side | -ide |
tide | -ide |
wide | -ide |
bride | -ide |
chide | -ide |
glide | -ide |
pride | -ide |
snide | -ide |
stride | -ide |
fife | -ife |
knife | -ife |
life | -ife |
rife | -ife |
wife | -ife |
strife | -ife |
bike | -ike |
dike | -ike |
hike | -ike |
like | -ike |
Mike | -ike |
pike | -ike |
spike | -ike |
strike | -ike |
bile | -ile |
file | -ile |
mile | -ile |
Nile | -ile |
pile | -ile |
tile | -ile |
vile | -ile |
smile | -ile |
stile | -ile |
while | -ile |
dime | -ime |
lime | -ime |
mime | -ime |
time | -ime |
chime | -ime |
clime | -ime |
crime | -ime |
grime | -ime |
prime | -ime |
slime | -ime |
dine | -ine |
fine | -ine |
line | -ine |
mine | -ine |
nine | -ine |
pine | -ine |
tine | -ine |
vine | -ine |
wine | -ine |
brine | -ine |
shine | -ine |
shrine | -ine |
spine | -ine |
swine | -ine |
whine | -ine |
pipe | -ipe |
ripe | -ipe |
wipe | -ipe |
gripe | -ipe |
snipe | -ipe |
stripe | -ipe |
swipe | -ipe |
tripe | -ipe |
fire | -ire |
hire | -ire |
tire | -ire |
wire | -ire |
spire | -ire |
guise | -ise |
rise | -ise |
wise | -ise |
bite | -ite |
kite | -ite |
mite | -ite |
quite | -ite |
rite | -ite |
site | -ite |
white | -ite |
write | -ite |
sprite | -ite |
dive | -ive |
five | -ive |
hive | -ive |
jive | -ive |
live | -ive |
chive | -ive |
drive | -ive |
strive | -ive |
thrive | -ive |
Magic E Words: Long O
The table below was compiled using the following word families: -obe, -ode, -oke, -ole, -ome, -one, -ope, -ose and -ote. It contains 72 long O words with a magic e.
Long O Words | Word Family |
lobe | -obe |
robe | -obe |
globe | -obe |
probe | -obe |
code | -ode |
lode | -ode |
mode | -ode |
node | -ode |
rode | -ode |
strode | -ode |
coke | -oke |
joke | -oke |
poke | -oke |
woke | -oke |
yoke | -oke |
broke | -oke |
choke | -oke |
smoke | -oke |
spoke | -oke |
stoke | -oke |
stroke | -oke |
dole | -ole |
hole | -ole |
mole | -ole |
pole | -ole |
role | -ole |
stole | -ole |
whole | -ole |
dome | -ome |
home | -ome |
Nome | -ome |
Rome | -ome |
tome | -ome |
gnome | -ome |
chrome | -ome |
bone | -one |
cone | -one |
hone | -one |
lone | -one |
tone | -one |
zone | -one |
clone | -one |
crone | -one |
drone | -one |
phone | -one |
prone | -one |
shone | -one |
stone | -one |
cope | -ope |
dope | -ope |
hope | -ope |
lope | -ope |
mope | -ope |
nope | -ope |
Pope | -ope |
rope | -ope |
grope | -ope |
scope | -ope |
slope | -ope |
hose | -ose |
nose | -ose |
pose | -ose |
rose | -ose |
chose | -ose |
close | -ose |
prose | -ose |
those | -ose |
note | -ote |
quote | -ote |
rote | -ote |
vote | -ote |
wrote | -ote |
Exceptions to Magic E Words – Long O
Unfortunately, there are several exceptions to the magic E long o sound. We like to refer to these words as odd balls. The following words make the short u sound instead of long o sound:
some* | come* | dove |
love | glove | shove |
*These words are sight words. Both of my children were exposed to these words in either kindergarten or first grade.
The following odd balls make the /or/ sound instead of long o:
bore | core | fore |
gore | more | pore |
sore | tore | wore |
chore | score | shore |
snore | spore | store |
swore |
Magic E Words: Long U
The table below was compiled using the following word families: -ule, -une, -ure, -use and -ute. It contains 21 long U words with a magic e.
Long U Words | Word Family |
mule | -ule |
pule | -ule |
rule | -ule |
yule | -ule |
June | -une |
tune | -une |
prune | -une |
cure | -ure |
lure | -ure |
pure | -ure |
sure | -ure |
fuse | -use |
muse | -use |
ruse | -use |
cute | -ute |
jute | -ute |
lute | -ute |
mute | -ute |
brute | -ute |
chute | -ute |
flute | -ute |
Exceptions to Magic E Words – Long U
Unfortunately, there are several exceptions to the magic E long u sound. We like to refer to these words as odd balls. The following words make the long oo sound instead of long u sound:
dube | rube | tube |
crude | nude | rude |
nuke | prude | duke |
fume | puke | fluke |
spume | flume | plume |
Source: Fry, E.B., Ph.D. & Kress, J.E., Ed.D. (2006). The Reading
Teacher’s Book of Lists 5th Edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass
Onyii says
Very useful, thanks.
Barbara Dollar says
I love this. I am using it for my Virtual Intervention Group. Thanks. 🙂
Mrs. T says
Thank you for these lists. I really appreciate the exceptions. I am using it with my Newcomers…