A word family is a group of words that share the same ending or a rime. The following words are included in the -ule word family:
mule | pule | rule | yule |
This word family contains a vowel (long u sound) as well as a final consonant sound, e.g. “ule” in “mule“ and our list only includes one syllable words. Word families help young readers notice features of words, e.g., patterns and rimes; they are helpful when teaching both reading and spelling.
- A mule (noun) is an animal of an offspring of a donkey and horse. It can also be used to refer to a stubborn person.
- Pule (verb) means to cry in a thin voice, i.e. whine and whimper.
- Rule (verb) means to control or exercise authority over the people who live there, e.g. if someone rules a country, they control the people that live there. A rule (noun) is a principle or guide for a conduct or action. For example, if you would like to play this game, you must follow the rules. Where as a ruler (noun) is used to draw a straight line and for measuring.
- Yule (noun) is often capitalized as refers to Christmas or the Christmas season.
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