Sesquipedalian is a word containing many syllables; it is a really long word. In Latin, it translates to “a foot and a half.” Sesquipedalian words are appropriate for spelling bees, word study and vocabulary development. Ideally select 3 to 5 words a week to increase your child’s vocabulary in either middle or high school.
Sesquipedalian Words
The list below contains over 160 sesquipedalian words and a brief definition. The smallest words contain 12 letters and the largest word contains 29 letters.
Sesquipedalian | Definition |
abovementioned | mentioned before; noted earlier in text |
abracadabra | words spoken by magician |
absentminded | habitually forgetful or inattentive disposition |
acculturation | adopting cultural traits, ideas or habits of another group |
acetaminophen | nonaspirin medicine used to reduce pain and fevers |
acknowledgement | recognition of the existence or truth |
aforementioned | cited or mentioned previously |
aggrandizement | an act or instance of making greater; increasing in size or intensity |
alphanumeric | using letters, numbers, and special characters, e.g., punctuation marks |
anagrammatically | a word, phrase, or sentence formed from another by rearranging its letters |
analphabetic | not alphabetic order |
anesthesiologist | a physician who gives pain and sensation medication prior to treatment |
anthropocentric | regards humans as the central fact of the universe; centering views around humans |
anthropomorphism | attributing human characteristics to animals or objects |
atherosclerosis | condition of having fatty deposits in one's arteries |
authoritarianism | governing with strict obedience; favoring complete obedience as opposed to individual freedom |
baccalaureate* | bachelor's degree. |
biodegradability | capable of decaying through the action of living organisms; can be broken down naturally to return to elements |
bougainvillea | a type of flowering vine or shrub |
bureaucratization | to organize like a government with rules and procedures |
characterization | portrayal; a description of qualities or appearance |
cinematography | the art or technique of motion-picture photography; shooting of a film |
circumambulate | to walk or go about or around, especially ceremoniously |
circumlocution | a roundabout or indirect way of speaking; the use of more words than necessary to express an idea |
circumnavigate | to sail or fly around; make the circuit of by navigation, e.g., to circumnavigate the earth |
claustrophobia | an abnormal fear of being in enclosed or narrow places |
colloquialism | part of informal way of speaking rather than formal speech or writing; informal |
committeewomen | a woman serving as a member of a committee |
compartmentalization | to divide into categories or put into separate sections |
consequentially | following as an effect, as a result of, or outcome |
contemporaneous | living or occurring during the same period of time; two things happening at the same time |
contemporaneous* | living or occurring during the same period of time |
counterclockwise | in a direction opposite to that of the normal rotation of the hands of a clock; not clockwise - going left to right in a circular motion |
counterproductive | thwarting the achievement of an intended goal; tending to defeat one's purpose; outcomes are the opposite of what was intended |
cruciverbalist | a designer or fanatic of crossword puzzles |
dermatological | the branch of medicine dealing with the skin and its diseases |
disadvantageous | unfavorable; detrimental or harmful |
disappointment | to fail to fulfill the expectations or wishes of; not as expected |
disciplinarian | a person who enforces or advocates strict rule of behavior |
discontinuation | a breach or interruption of continuity or unity; not continuing |
disenfranchisement | to deprive of a franchise, of a legal right, or of some privilege or immunity |
disproportionate | being out of proportion |
eavesdropping | to listen secretly to what is said in private |
electrocardiogram | the visual record of electrical activity in the heart, also referred to as EKG or ECG |
electroencephalogram | visual record of electrical activity in the brain, also referred to as EEG |
electromagnetically | of or pertaining to electromagnetism or electromagnetic fields |
encyclopedia | a book or set of books containing information about many topics |
epidemiological | related to the study of diseases in large populations |
euphemistically | using mild or indirect language to refer to something harsh or sensitive |
experimentation | a test, trial or procedures performed for the purpose of discovering something unknown or to test a principle |
extemporaneous | not rehearsed; without preparation; impromptu |
extemporaneous* | done, spoken or performed without special advance preparation; impromptu |
floccinaucinihilipilification | the estimation of something as valueless, rarely used |
fossilization | to process of turning into fossil; replace organic with mineral substances in the remains of an organism |
geochronological | the chronology of the earth; relating to the periods n the history of the world |
grandiloquence* | speech that is lofty in tone, often to the point of being pompous orbombastic |
heterogeneous | different in kind; unlike |
humanitarianism | having concern for or helping to improve the welfare and happiness of people |
hypersensitivity | excessively sensitive |
hyperventilation | excessively rapid and deep breathing |
hypochondriac | an excessive preoccupation with one's health |
iconographer | a person who draws illustrations or symbols |
idiosyncratic | a characteristic, habit, mannerism or behavior that is peculiar or strange to an individual |
immensurable | incapable of being measured; limitless; not able to be measured |
impenetrability | not penetrable; cannot be penetrated, pierced or entered |
incandescence* | the emission of visible light by a body, caused by its high temperature |
incomprehensible | impossible to understand or comprehend |
incrimination | to accuse of or present proof of a crime or fault |
indistinguishable | impossible to tell apart |
interconnectivity | to connect with one another |
interdepartmental | involving or existing between two or more departments |
interdisciplinary | combining or involving two or more academic disciplines or fields of study |
interscholastic | existing or carried on between schools |
kindergartner | a child who attends a kindergarten |
lexicographer | a writer, editor, or compiler of a dictionary |
mathematician | an expert or specialist in mathematics |
megalomaniacal | obsessed with actions or ideas on a grand scale; a symptom of mental illness marked by delusions of greatness or wealth |
metamorphosis | the process of changing from one thing to another, caterpillar to pupa to butterfly |
meteorologist | a person who studies the weather |
microbiologist | a person who studies the smallest organisms or living things |
mispronunciation | to pronounce the wrong way; to say a word incorrectly |
monochromatically | having or consisting of one color or hue |
multidimensional | having more than one dimension |
neurotransmitter | a substance that aids or hinders transmission of nerve impulses |
nonconformance | not acting according to accepted social standards, attitudes, practices or rules |
nondiscriminatory | not prejudice; not showing a difference in behavior toward someone or something |
oceanographer | a person who studies the ocean |
octogenarian | between 80 and 90 years old |
omnivorousness | eating both animal and plant foods |
orthography | the art of writing words with the proper letters, according to accepted usage; correct spelling |
overemphasize | to make too much of; to emphasize excessively |
pachydermal | a thick-skinned, nonruminant ungulates,e.g., elephant, hippopotamus and rhinoceros |
pandemonium | chaos, noisy and out of control |
parallelogram | a four sided shape with opposite sides parallel to each other |
parenthetical | explanatory information contained within parentheses |
peacekeeping | the maintenance of peace through enforcement and supervision |
perpendicular | vertical; straight up and down; upright |
perspicacious | keen perception and understanding |
phantasmagorical | a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination |
pharmaceutical | preparing and dispensing drugs and medicines prescribed to treat illness |
philosophunculist | a person who pretends to know more than he or she actually does |
phosphorescence | giving off light after exposure to energy; "glow in the dark" |
polyunsaturated | a type of fat or oil like corn or sunflower oil |
pomegranate | a red-skinned fruit with juicy pulp and many seeds |
prestidigitation | sleight of hand magic; trickery or deception |
primatologist | a person who studies primates, e.g., apes and monkeys |
prognosticator | to forecast or predict |
pseudonymous | use of a false or fictitious name, like a pen name |
pseudosophisticated | given the appearance of being worldly |
psychodynamic | interaction of mental and emotional processes in behavior, e.g., Freud's clinical approach to personality |
psychosomatic | a physical disorder that is caused by emotional or mental stress |
pusillanimous | lacking courage or resolution; cowardly |
pyrotechnist | person who sets off fireworks |
quadricentennial | 400th anniversary; the completion of a period of four hundred years |
quinquennium | a period of five years |
rambunctious | difficult to control or handle; wildly boisterous |
reconceptualization | to form into a concept; a rethinking of an idea |
refurbishment | to restore or renew; renovate |
reinforcement | to strengthen |
reminiscence | a memory; recalling a past experiences or events |
replenishment | to make full or complete again; replacing or refilling |
representative | a person, thing or idea that takes the place of others or serves as an example |
responsibilities | duties or obligations |
revolutionary | bringing about a major change |
septuagenarian | a person who is between 70 and 80 years old |
sesquicentennial | 150th anniversary; the completion of a period of 150 years |
simplification | to make less complex or complicated; make plainer or easier |
somnambulist | a person who sleepwalks; walking, eating, or performing other motor acts while asleep, of which one is unaware upon awakening |
sportsmanship | play fair; exhibit sportsmanlike conduct, e.g., fairness, courtesy, respectful and cheerful even if you lose |
stomachache | pain in the stomach or abdomen |
subterranean | underground; existing, situated, or operating below the surface of the earth |
supercilious | prideful, haughtily disdainful or contemptuous |
superfluous | being more than is sufficient or required; excessive |
syllabication | to break words down into pronounceable parts |
tantalizingly | something that provokes temptation, interest or desire but remains unobtainable or beyond one's reach |
thousand fold | a thousand times; having a thousand elements or parts |
tintinnabulation | the ringing or sound of bells |
transcontinental | passing or extending across a continent |
transcription | to make a written copy, especially a typewritten copy, of dictated or spoken material |
transportation | to carry, move, or convey from one place to another |
trustworthiness | deserving of trust or confidence; dependable; reliable |
underdevelopment | not normally or adequately developed |
understatement | to represent as less than is the case |
unexceptional | not out of the ordinary; commonplace |
unidirectional | coming from one direction; a single direction |
uninformative | not providing information |
unperturbed | not worried; calm |
vaccination | to administer a vaccine to prevent disease |
ventriloquist | a person who speaks with little or no lip movement so that the voice does not appear to come from the speaker but from another source, e.g. a wooden dummy |
verbalization | to express in words; something spoken |
verisimilitude | the appearance or semblance of truth; likelihood; probability |
vernacularism | pertaining to common or native language |
vicissitudes | a change or variation occurring in the course of something |
vinaigrette | a salad dressing using vinegar as a main ingredient |
volunteerism | voluntarily offering a service or undertaking; the act of offering to do something |
vulnerability | capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt |
warmhearted | having or showing sympathy, affection, kindness and cordiality |
weatherproof | able to withstand exposure to all kinds of weather |
whatchamacallit | an object or person whose name one does not know or cannot recall |
xerographic | related to photocopy |
zenzizenzizenic | the 8th power of a number |
Source: Fry, E.B., Ph.D. & Kress, J.E., Ed.D. (2006). The Reading
Teacher’s Book of Lists 5th Edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass
(Note: We added 5 words which are designated by an asterisk -*).
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