Many schools implement vocabulary instruction in either third or fourth grade; they provide students with a list of words to learn.
3rd Grade Vocabulary Words
Our school introduced the following 150 vocabulary words in third grade. Each lesson contained 10 words and numerous exercises to reinforce the meaning of each word. They also have 15 spelling words that focus on commonly used 3rd grade words, spelling pattern and chunk words, and personal words (words a student can read but has a difficult time spelling). For a list of spelling words, please visit our 3rd grade spelling words section.
act | feature | prank |
additional | finicky | primary |
adopt | flutter | process |
advice | foul | promote |
amazing | fright | rate |
ambition | frustrate | recreation |
arctic | govern | regret |
arouse | gradual | rely |
arrange | graduate | resident |
attitude | grasp | respect |
attract | gulf | responsible |
auction | gust | reverse |
average | habit | rig |
bold | haste | risk |
border | hinge | rod |
cable | hint | scar |
calendar | individual | scatter |
carnival | infection | schedule |
cathedral | influence | series |
cell | injure | shaft |
chasm | intelligent | signal |
coast | interval | snuggle |
cocoon | jet | solution |
confess | jogged | span |
contain | landmark | spine |
continent | launch | starve |
convey | league | steer |
court | limit | stress |
credit | malice | structure |
crew | marine | suitable |
crumple | marsh | surrender |
cunning | memorize | survey |
current | mental | tackle |
cylinder | method | talent |
dangle | milestone | tentacles |
deed | misery | theory |
defend | moist | thrill |
device | mystify | thrive |
diagram | nation | timber |
digest | nectar | tournament |
division | novel | trail |
doze | nursery | transparent |
drift | opposite | urge |
elect | ordeal | vacant |
enable | outcome | vanish |
event | pastime | version |
examine | pattern | vessel |
experience | pause | vigorous |
fan | plateau | vision |
fatal | positive | volunteer |
Thank you for these Third grade words
This is very helpful for my kids.