The prefix, non-, indicates not.
Words with the Prefix Non-
Word | Definition |
nonchalant | showing or having a relaxed manner free from concern or excitement (n. – nonchalance ) |
noncombatant | (1) a member of the of the armed forces whose duties do not include fighting, e.g., surgeon or chaplain (2) a person who is not in the armed services |
noncommissioned | not commissioned, applies especially to military officers, as sergeants and corporals, ranking below warrant officer |
noncommittal | not revealing decisions or thoughts |
nonconformist | person who does not behave according to generally accepted standards or customs |
nondairy | containing no dairy; a substitute for milk or milk products |
nondescript | having no special interesting characteristics; not easily described |
nonentity | something or someone of no importance |
nonessential | not necessary; something that is not essential |
nonexistent | not real; a thing that has no existence |
nonfat | without fat or fat solids; having the fat solids removed, e.g., skim or nonfat milk |
nonfiction | writing that is not made up; a true story about facts or real events |
nonflammable | not easy to set on fire |
nonhuman | not human; not displaying the emotions, sympathies, intelligence, etc., of most human beings or not intended for consumption by humans |
nonliving | not living |
nonpartisan | not supporting one party or side over another |
nonperishable | able to be stored for a long time without spoiling; not perishable |
nonpoisonous | not poisonous |
nonprofit | not existing or done to make profit |
nonrenewable | not restored or replaced by natural processes in a short period of time |
nonresident | not living in a certain place; a person who does not live in a certain place |
nonsectarian | not limited to a particular religious group |
nonsense | foolish or meaningless words, ideas or actions |
nonsensical | making no sense; absurd |
nonsmoker | a person who does not smoke tobacco |
nonsmoking | reserved for the use of nonsmokers |
nonstandard | different from or lower in quality than what is typical |
nonstop | being without a single stop enroute; happening, done or held without a stop or pause, not offering relief or respite |
nontoxic | not of, relating to, or caused by a toxin or poison; nonpoisonous |
nonverbal | not using words, e.g., nonverbal communication |
Source: Merriam-Webster Children’s Dictionary
Bob says
Thanks for this list of spelling words!
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i love this website
Cupcake says
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samuel pomo says
alexander says
Thanks for the free info!