Tic-tac-toe is another timeless game we’ve all play one time or another. This classic game can also help a child automatically recognize sight words. This game can be used to introduce new sight words or to review previously learned ones.
Create Sight Word Tic-Tac-Toe
Similar to hangman, tic-tac-toe is very affordable and can be quickly created within seconds using a piece of paper and pen. You could also use our templates below. Using Dolch’s pre-primer sight words, we created tic-tac-toe games.
Sight Words | Tic-Tac-Toe PDF |
a, and, in, is, it, the, to & you | Tic-Tac-Toe PDF |
I, can, come, for, here, me, my & we | Tic-Tac-Toe PDF |
big, go, look, not, play, said, see & up | Tic-Tac-Toe PDF |
blue, down, help, jump, make, red, run & yellow | Tic-Tac-Toe PDF |
away, find, funny, little, one, three, two & where | Tic-Tac-Toe PDF |
Play Sight Word Tic-Tac-Toe
Prior to playing tic-tac-toe, review each sight word. The game is played just like tic-tac-toe but a child must say the sight word prior to selecting a box. The youngest player goes first and selects a box using either an “x” or “o” – cross out or circle the sight word. Alternate selecting boxes until a player gets three in a row (wins the game) or the grid is completely filled in but no one won the game. This is commonly referred to as a cat’s game.
Tic-Tac-Toe Strategy
When I am the first player, if possible I select a corner on my first, second & third turn to force a win. Obtaining three out of the four corners allows me to win two different ways. When I am the second player, I always select the middle to prevent my opponent from using my strategy against me.
Tic-Tac-Toe Alternative Play
Unfortunately, tic-tac-toe can be played by only two players. We created an alternative game that can be played with 3 or more players. Tic-tac-toe meets bingo. Select at least 8 sight words. Each player fills in the tic-tac-toe grid, putting a sight word in each “box.” If you have 8 sight words, use the middle square for a free space or use two words twice. If you have more than nine sight words, each player needs to select either 8 or 9 words and write them on her tic-tac-toe grid – make sure there is only one word per “box.” Once each player has completed their grid, a parent or teacher calls out the sight words either randomly from a list or out of a hat or similar object. Each player crosses out (x) or circles (o) the word. The first player to get three in a row wins the game. Using Dolch’s pre-primer sight words, we created five tic-tac-toe template games noted below.
Sight Words | Tic-Tac-Toe PDF |
a, and, in, is, it, the, to & you | Tic-Tac-Toe PDF |
I, can, come, for, here, me, my & we | Tic-Tac-Toe PDF |
big, go, look, not, play, said, see & up | Tic-Tac-Toe PDF |
blue, down, help, jump, make, red, run & yellow | Tic-Tac-Toe PDF |
away, find, funny, little, one, three, two & where | Tic-Tac-Toe PDF |
Playing sight word games, like tic-tac-toe assists a child in developing a sight word vocabulary in a fun and entertaining environment.
Miss Dough says
I have taken this concept and used it with math and numbers as well! Thank you for the great ideas 🙂
Stacey says
I love these and can’t wait to use them with my Kindegartener! Thanks for making them available.
Theresa Mikell says
Do you have blank templates so that you can add your own sight words. I teach first grade and we are required to teach the Dolch word list. I would like to make games for each word list.
Thank you
Theresa Mikell
Claudia Bennett Mielke says
Great ideas!! Thank you!