Many experts recommend children from the ages of 5 to 12 to obtain 10 to 11 hours of sleep a night. However, the average child sleeps 8 to 10 hours per night. Obviously some children require less while others require more sleep than others. It’s important to note – well rested children tend to do better in school.
Many children have difficulty falling asleep due to electronics. Playing video or computer games, watching television or texting friends can keep a child up at night; try to switch these activities with ones that make your child sleepy, e.g., read a book.
Good Sleep Habits for Kids
Help your child establish good sleep habits so they are in a good mood and not cranky the next day! Here are some good tips for establishing good sleep habits.
Get into a routine. Whenever possible, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. I realize it’s fun to stay up late on weekends and sleep in but try to minimize this behavior especially if it results in a cranky child
Relax before bed time. That means NO electronics before bed. They also recommend not eating, exercising, reading scary books or watching scary movies (I like to state the obvious).
Create a cozy environment. My husband and I prefer to sleep in a cold dungeon with our down comforter. Whereas, our children prefer to sleep with our dog and their favorite blankets. If you do not have a pet, use a stuffed animal or doll.
Create a safe environment. Both of our children prefer a night-light or their lights on dim as well as their door slightly ajar. Must husband prefers our bedroom doors shut but I need one slightly open so I can hear my children.
The American Academy of Pediatrics, Caring for School-Age Children (2004), New York, New York: Bantam Book
An, Vicky. (2010, October) Get Some Sleep! Time for Kids, 4-5.
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