It is essential that a child make a connection between letters and sounds; letters represent speech sounds and when combined forms words. Changing the letter results in a different sound and word. Phoneme Definition A phoneme is the smallest identifiable units of sound. When speaking, we combine
Singing Enhances Phonemic Awareness
Singing songs help children improve their ability to hear and manipulate the individual sounds that make up a word (commonly referred to as phonemic awareness). Similar to reading nursery rhymes, singing songs assist a child in hearing rhymes. Singing songs can also help a child grasp print
Acquiring Phonemic Awareness Can be Phun
Possessing phonemic awareness when a child starts school greatly assists in producing a proficient reader. Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear and manipulate the individual sounds in spoken words. Whereas phonological awareness refers to a general understanding of our language - noticing word
Phonological vs. Phonemic Awareness
These phrases are often incorrectly used interchangeably (it is no wonder - they are confusing). Phonological awareness is a broader term that encompasses a general awareness of our spoken language; it is the ability to orally recognize word features (e.g. rhymes, syllables). Whereas, phonemic
17 Spectacular Nursery Rhymes
It is important that children have a strong understanding of spoken language prior to learning written language. If you are looking for playful and engaging activities to expose a child to the sounds of language, look no farther! Nursery Rhymes The ability to recognize rhyming patterns in language
Learn Your ABCs at the Dinner Table
This post was my daughter’s idea so she deserves all the credit. Last night while my family was eating our dinner, she told us that we should write a post about Ore-Ida ABC Fun Shapes. She proceeded to tell us that children could use the tater tots to learn their ABCs or even practice spelling their