We created free printable sight word flash cards. The cards are available in three fonts – regular, dotted and bubble. We recommend printing the flash cards on card-stock paper, to make them more durable. We also provide sight word flash cards videos.
Flash Cards – Regular Font
Flash Cards – Dotted-Line Font
Flash Cards – Bubble Font
These flash cards were created using Dolch’s list of 220 most common words found in print. In addition, we created flash cards based on MCPS kindergarten curriculum that encourages each student to automatically recognize at a minimum 25 words by the end of the school year.
Sight Word Flash Cards Videos
Flash cards are inexpensive and quite effective at helping a child develop a sight word vocabulary because repeated exposure to high frequency words greatly aids in automatic recognition.

Flash Cards Instruction
The following is an ideal sight word flash card session:
- Select several sight words, e.g., 5 – 10.
- Prior to the lesson, write each sight word on the index card (or print out our PDF files). Review each card with your child saying the sight word aloud. Then ask your child to say the word with you.
- Point to each letter and say its name aloud. Then ask your child to spell the sight word with you.
- Ask your child to read the sight word and then write it in their notebook five times.
- I like to state the obviously, make sure your child spells the word correctly.
- Repeat these steps with the other sight words.
- Using the flash cards, review each sight word. Mix up the cards, and “flash” them to your child. If your child struggles with a word, offer assistance.
Every child progresses differently, the number of sight words a child can automatically recognize will vary. Always review previously taught sight words daily and gradually introduce new ones.
Sight Words Flash Cards Product Review
Sight word flash cards are easy to make but they are also very affordable. Amazon offers numerous ones under $10 (that includes shipping when you take advantage of their FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25).
Overall, these flash cards are a good product. They are reasonably priced, costing less than $6. The flash cards are durable and Trend selected an ideal font and size. They contain over 90 sight words and several common nouns.
Sight Words by Brighter Child Overall, these flash cards are also a good product and can be purchased for less than $3. This set is also durable and used an ideal font and size. The flash cards contain 95 sight words and 10 sight word phrases.
Thanks for creating all these amazing flash cards!