Bullying can occur in the form of physical abuse, e.g., hitting someone, verbal, e.g., name calling or written via an electronic device. Spreading embarrassing or threatening information on an electronic device, e.g., computer or cell phone, is a growing concern. Bullying is a lose –lose
Bullying and teasing are not funny. In fact, they often make you cry; words can hurt. Teasing is part of life and something most of us have suffered through. As a mother, it breaks my heart when my child comes home from school upset because someone decided to tease him about his cloths or skin color. Teasing escalates into bullying when it occurs repeatedly and deliberately.
Get your tissues ready because this video brought tears to my eyes. Many of you may already be familiar with this story about a thirteen year old boy named Nadin Khoury who was bullied by 7 classmates. Please note: this YouTube video contains violent content. While this story has a happy ending, not all children are so fortunate.
What is Bullying?
When a stronger child repeatedly preys on a weaker child with the intent to cause physical or emotional harm or to intimidate. Read More ...
Types of Bullying
There are four types of bullying: physical, verbal, psychological and cyber bullying. Read More ...
How to Deal With Bullying
1 out of 4 school-age children are estimated to be involved in bullying, either as the bully or the victim. Bullying can occur as early as preschool.
- DeBugging System - ideal for primary grade students.
- Walk - Talk - Squawk - ideal for any age.
- Parental Tips - to battle bullying.
What should a child do when she witnesses bullying?
Often times a bystander feels relief when they are not the victim of bullying. They also may experience sadness about the unfortunate situation. Talk with your child about bullying and encourage the following actions.
- Do not be silent.
- Do not laugh. It's not funny.
- Make the victim feel included and invite him to play.
- Talk to the victim and let her know that you do not agree with the mean behavior.
- Make friends with any child who is not being treated fairly.
- Tell an adult.